Great Fairy Tale Romance Giveaway!

Today we begin “The Great Fairy Tale Romance Kindle Fire Giveaway” to celebrate the upcoming release of Ellie and the Prince, first in my Faraway Castle series. Along with the thrill of releasing my own book, I’m also excited to share additional stories and authors with readers who love fairy tales! Each one of these selections is a retelling of a different classic tale, eleven in all.
As I’ve mentioned before, fairy tales have been a major passion of mine for many years. I could not be more delighted about the proliferation of sweet, clean retellings currently on the market! I’m guessing you may not have read works by all these authors, so I’ll offer a little introduction here.

Shari L. Tapscott writes with humor and lively flair, adding her own twist to her retellings yet remaining true to the story. I haven’t yet read The Marquise and Her Cat, but any retelling of “Puss and Boots” is bound to catch my eye! I have it waiting in my Kindle at this moment.

Lea Doue’s stories have a more serious flavor, plenty of romance, and some well-executed drama along with the basic story. Her The Firethorn Crown is a triumph as a retelling of “The Twelve Dancing Princesses”—she managed to give every one of the twelve sisters a distinct character and personality. Now that is an accomplishment! And this book is only the first in her series.

Finley Aaron is relatively new to fairy-tale retellings—he also writes about dragons! Recently I read Beauty and the Beast and the Enchantress—and I am now totally hooked on his writing. I don’t want to give anything away, but this fabulous book is a double-treat.

Jenni James must be a familiar name to all fans of fairy-tale retellings. Her Rapunzel is the story of childhood friends who find a way to be together—a poignant tale packed with romance and magic.

Melanie Dickerson, a NY Times best-selling author, is another household name for readers of fairy tales. In our promotion I am delighted to offer The Noble Servant, her beautiful retelling of “The Goose Girl.” If you haven’t tried Melanie’s romantic stories before, now is the time to jump in!

K.M. Shea published the first of her “Timeless Fairy Tales” collection in 2013, and now cannot publish these books fast enough to satisfy her adoring fans. Her retellings are lively and addictive, for sure! In our giveaway we are offering The Frog Prince, a great blend of action, humor, and romance.

Brittany Fichter writes fairy tales with a hint of allegory and touching beauty. I’m currently reading her “Beauty and the Beast” series of three books, but now Silent Mermaid is on my to-read list. Isn’t that cover beautiful?

Kenley Davidson’s books are richly drawn tales of realistic people in a medieval world full of treachery and drama, yet also packed with friendship, purpose, and love. Goldheart is a dramatic retelling of “Rumplestiltskin” filled with unique characters and intriguing plot twists.

W.R. Gingell, one of my favorite current authors, writes fantasy in various genres. Spindle is a top pick for me! With smart, snappy writing that keeps a reader guessing, complex characters that are easy to love, and plots full of delightful twists and turns, Gingell’s retelling of “Sleeping Beauty” is a keeper!

Melanie Cellier’s fairy tales are truly things of beauty. I have read her entire series so far and am eager for more! In this giveaway we are offering The Princess Companion: A Retelling of The Princess and the Pea, the first in her “Four Kingdoms” series. If you love romance and magic, this book will delight you.
There are lots of great prizes in this giveaway, so be sure to share the fun with your friends! I love sharing good books, so this contest is a treat for me.
Happy magical reading, and good luck to you all!