Cover Reveal!
So guess what I got in my inbox yesterday? That's right . . . the finalized cover design for The Lady and the Wish! (I may have squealed....
DAUGHTER OF LIES by Kenley Davidson - Review
And for my last spotlight feature, I give you the fifth book in the Andari Chronicles . . . Brenna Seagrave doesn’t want to be a...
PIROUETTE by Kenley Davidson - Review
Continuing my Author of the Month feature of Kenley Davidson, let me put the spotlight on this beautiful story . . . Princess Ilani is an...
SHADOW AND THORN by Kenley Davidson - Review
And here is my next February Feature of Kenley Davidson's beautiful fairy tales. Today I'm focusing on . . . After more than twenty years...
TRAITOR'S MASQUE by Kenley Davidson - Review
For my February Author of the Month Feature I am putting the spotlight on Kenley Davidson and her beautiful Andari Chronicles. Starting...
Historical Fairy Tales - My Interview with Suzannah Rowntree
Hi, everyone! I'm so excited to have Suzannah Rowntree featured on my blog today. She is an amazing talent, and I have so enjoyed...
THE RAKSHASA'S BRIDE by Suzannah Rowntree - review
Another wonderful retelling by one of the most creative voices in the genre! For my final spotlight feature, I bring you . . . What if it...
THE CITY BEYOND THE GLASS by Suzannah Rowntree - Review
Here I am with my second review for Suzannah Rowntree's fabulous series of retellings. Today I'm putting the spotlight on . . . What if...
TEN THOUSAND THORNS by Suzannah Rowntree
I'm back! Finally picking up my Author of the Month features again after several months hiatus. I'm excited to share with you my thoughts...
A TALE OF BEAUTY AND BEAST by Melanie Cellier - Review
This is my final spotlight review for my Author of the Month pick, Melanie Cellier. I hope you'll enjoy reading my thoughts on . . ....